(214) 865-6710 fcrsfrisco@gmail.com

Have you lost a loved one to suicide?

Remember you are not alone.

Over 44,000 people die by suicide in the United States each year, leaving behind millions of devastated family and friends. Like you, other survivors try to cope with this tragic loss. There is no timeframe for grief. It is OK to ask yourself, “Why?” as long as you need to.

Common feelings include:

SHAME: suicide is often poorly understood and some feel worried about whether to tell other people the truth of how their loved one died, for fear of being judged.

GUILT: wondering whether there was something you missed or something you could have said or done. The “if only” question.

SHOCK: immediately after the death, you may feel numb or disoriented

ANGER: towards your deceased loved one, family members, a therapist or yourself.

RELIEF: especially if followed by a long mental illness.

It is common to have some of these feelings as you cope with suicide loss.

This expression is used to refer to the family and friends left behind after someone dies by suicide. Survivors are some of the strongest people we know. If you have survived a suicide loss, we are here to help you find a way to move forward through the grief and emptiness. You are not alone.

Difficulties faced by survivors

Suicide is one of the cruelest deaths for survivors. Besides the usual grief, there is the pain and shock of a sudden and violent death.

May not receive typical support

Survivors may experience blame, isolation, and withdrawal from friends, community and family members. Family members may even deny the suicide death.

Questioning what just happened

Survivors can be overwhelmed wondering why the person took his or her life. You may wonder what you could have done to prevent it.

Who Are We?

Our support team is made up of trained Licensed Mental Health Professionals, Peer Supporters and Chaplains. Our support services are offered to Denton and Collin County community members. No one should have to experience the death of a loved one to suicide. We are here to help! 

Our Services

Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Groups

Peer Supporter Network

Confidential Crisis Counseling Support

Coming Soon

Resilient Young Adults

Grief & Traumatic Loss Process Groups

SOS Loss Support Group

SOS is a safe place to share grief, understand more about suicide, and seek mutual support as you navigate this difficult journey. There is no charge to attend and it can be a relief to talk openly about suicide with people who share a similar experience.

The hardest part for many new survivors is just building the strength to come to the first meeting.

We gather together to share our thoughts and experiences in a supportive environment. 

Meeting Information

SOS Loss Groups -Adult

4th Tuesday of Every Month

7:00pm – 8:30pm


Other Resources

National Suicide Prevention LifeLine 1-800-273-TALK (8255)



Join us!

Please consider giving a donation to support our ongoing efforts in Suicide Postvention Services.

Our services are provided at no cost to those in need.

Here is how you can help:

  • Volunteer your time and talents 
  • Buy an awareness T-Shirt
  • Participate in our Annual Hope4Today 5K Walk & Fun Run
  • Walk & Fun Run
  • Give Monetary Donations
  • Share this resource with your community